What is the Community Banner?
The Community Plan carries a small advert for freewebstore in the form of a Community Banner on stores to help promote our offer to as many users as possible. This is how community users contribute back to the freewebstore community at large and cover the cost of their store.
This banner is optional and can be removed by upgrading to any of our premium plans within your control panel.

Remove Community Banner with the Startup Plan
For those users who wish to keep their eCommerce provider anonymous and whitelabel their online store, we have the StartUp Plan, designed specifically to get your website off to a flying start, which includes:
- Freewebstore Branding Removal
- Free Domain Name
- Additional Ecommerce Features
- Sell on Marketplaces
- Multiple Staff Accounts
- And Lots More...
To find out more about premium plans, visit the Upgrade page in your control panel.
Get Started View Startup PlanGiving Back
Freewebstore is a totally free eCommerce platform with a huge community of sellers from all over the world.
We provide you with a fully functional eCommerce store that allows you to start selling online straight away. Here's what you get:
- Website - fully hosted eCommerce website.
- SSL - your data is secure with a free SSL.
- Domain - a selection of free domain names.
- Cart - accept orders instantly with a secure cart.
- And much more...
Choose the Community Plan or the Startup Plan, whichever suits you best and have fun creating your very own success story!
Get Started